
Asshole Game Repellent

1. Take all actions at face value. If it looks douchey, it is. No excuses:
“He’s in a bad place because of his past relationship.”
“But you could have followed up with me!”
“That didn’t mean anything with her, we’re just friends.”
“I didn’t follow up because I wound up not going out last night.”
“Whoa, it’s not like I’m your boyfriend, chill!”

Damn. Well that's simple. Face value actions. MUCH EASIER SAID than done, though. But it's true - if it looks douchey, it is. I think back to all those times of bailage...damn.

2. Penalize mixed messages.
If a man cares about you and wants to get to know you for anything more than sex, he will make sure you know that. If you don’t know it, he doesn’t care.
At the first sign of mixed messages, you get to ask what’s going on, to put him on alert that you don’t appreciate his inconsistency. Once. If it’s happens a second time, walk away, he doesn’t care.

WHY didn't I find this about 1 month ago, when I could've put this advice to action. At least I ended up walking away... just not the 2nd time.

3. Reject any man who does not demonstrate real affection.
Real affection should be evident in his physical attention, but also in the amount of non-sexual time he wishes to spend with you. If you do not see emotional intimacy developing in a real way, he doesn’t care. It may be gradual, or slow, but there should be steady progress on this front.



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How somebody else reacts to a situation is out of my control. However, I have all the power in the world to control how I think, feel, and act in this situation. I can't ask you to be nicer. Nor can I ask you to say sorry a million times and actually mean it. Nor can I expect you to remember all of the times you ditched me, which you apparently forgot.

I hate how you convinced yourself that you weren't a dick. Congratulations.

The way I see it is that I have two choices - I can either be positive or negative. And I'd much rather go through life thinking positively, than negatively.. because as cliched as it sounds, we really only have one life to live.

So thank you for the good times, and the lessons learned.